Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Fairness Doctrine

President Obama has publicly stated that he is against the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine. My question is why are Democrats in Congress bringing a dead issue up yet again? Sen. Hardin (D-Iowa) and Sen. Stabenow (D-Mich) are calling for hearings to revive the outdated doctrine.

The Fairness Doctrine was implemented in 1949 and revoked in 1987 under President Reagan. The Doctrine was then blocked by Bush 41 in 1991 with a veto threat. The Doctrine is not needed and is unfair to radio stations and talk show hosts. In a nutshell the Doctrine would require talk radio stations to give equal time and opinions on (conservative and liberal) all topics discussed. This would force radio stations to change their entire lineup. The radio stations are successful because of the content they air on a daily basis. Listeners, not the US government, should determine what radio stations air. It is a business and a big one at that. Imagine listening to Rush or Michael Savage by choice and then having to stomach Al Franken. I doubt any conservative could take more than 3 minutes of Al at one time. The show would fail and advertisers would pull their support. Air America has tried and failed in almost every market imaginable.

Requiring stations to have opposing views would mean the end of radio talk shows as we know it. The stations would have no choice but to change their format. The stations would not be able to afford the failing shows. They would, by law, have to continue to take huge losses to enable the successful shows to remain on the air or just decide to play the hits of the 80's. Talk radio is extremely popular and very profitable. Laws requiring stations to air shows no one really wants to listen to anyway is just UNFAIR. It is unfair to the listeners, hosts and employees of the station. What happened to free enterprise - the American dream? It seems that the Democrats only consider what benefits their causes and views to be fair. Last time I looked at my radio it had a button that if pushed, can change the station. I have more than one option in my market. I do not need Obama and his minions telling me what is good for me or what I should listen to. Air America had its chance - seems no one cared to listen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Attacking the American Family

It seems that Congress is at it again. Sen. Barbara Boxer is trying to impose U.N. laws upon American citizens. Sen. Boxer is calling for the Senate and the Obama administration to review and pass the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child treaty. The passing of this treaty would greatly limit a parents ability to raise their children without government interference.

The U.N. has established a Committee on the Rights of the Child which is an 18-member panel in Geneva. The United States already has strict laws protecting children from neglect and abuse by parents. I myself do not have any children but I could not imagine American parents being governed by a committee in Geneva. The treaty would essentially allow children to make decisions for themselves that parents traditionally have had the responsibility to make for them. In my opinion children are not equipped with the knowledge or maturity level to make life altering decisions.

I have checked out the U.N. site and have the link below. It is interesting.

It seems that the United States already has most of these laws and agreements in place. Ratifying the treaty would only hurt the sovereignty of the United States. Congress needs to focus on how to fix the economy and our credit institutions. Holding hearings about steroid use in baseball and telling parents how to raise their children seem to be secondary issues. Most parents are reasonable and do the best they can to ensure their children become responsible and productive members of society. Of course mistakes are made but it is a learning process. Parents want their children to be the best they can be. They certainly do not need Congress infringing on their rights.

The treaty would also infringe on religious rights. Some religions require certain medical procedures and treatments. If this treaty is ratified it could very well require parents and medical practitioners to conform to government mandated treatments. It would also make it much easier for outside influences to undermine basic human beliefs that are instilled into children by the parents.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Israel vs Obama

Israeli President Shimon Peres has chosen Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new Israeli government today. This could spell trouble for the Obama administration. If Netanyahu decides to appoint his hard-line buddies to positions within the newly formed government and forgo a "coalition government" the emerging Israeli policies will certainly clash with the Obama administration.

President Obama has stated that he is willing to negotiate with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and try to reach a peaceful end to Iran's nuclear ambitions. I am not sure that an Israeli government led by Netanyahu will be as accommodating. Netanyahu has publicly compared the Iranian government to the Nazi party of Germany.

If Iran achieves its goal and becomes a nuclear nation the Middle East will become even more unstable (if that is possible). Couple a nuclear Iran with the ruling Hamas party and you have a powder keg waiting to explode.

Israel has always been our strongest ally and at times our only true ally. President Obama needs to remember that America does not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has and is sponsoring terrorism around the world. The Iranian government is training terrorists to enter Iraq and kill American men and women. The willingness to sit down with a mad man who has publicly denied the existence of the holocaust is sickening. It only gives Ahmadinejad a forum to spew his hatred of both America and the Jewish people. Such a meeting would send a message to other rogue nations - if you jump up and down enough like a child you will get your way. North Korea has already proven this several times. They have violated almost every agreement made and have chosen to let their people starve rather than play nice with the rest of the world.

I sincerely hope that the Obama administration comes to their senses and sends a message of strength to Iran and a message of friendship to Israel. I am by no means a Hillary fan, but I hope she can influence Obama enough to stop a meaningless meeting with someone who has no intention of obeying or complying with any agreements that may be made.

Israel has already shown its willingness to "take out" any threats. Just ask Syria. If the U.S. is going to allow Iran to go nuclear I hope that the Israeli government does not. Iran and its leaders would have no problem giving the bomb to or providing the means to create one for a terrorist organization. That would be a nightmare and ignite a world wide response.

I wish Netanyahu the best and hope that he will be able to explain how a unified front against Iran will be more effective than a meeting with President Obama to the current administration. Just getting an audience with our President might embolden Iran to step up its timeline for the bomb and hold the world hostage. President Obama must reconsider his stance on Iran and not risk damaging relations with our strongest ally in the Middle East. Otherwise we may see the end of days in our lifetime.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Great Bail Out

So it begins, the bail out package has been passed and signed into law. I am not sure if this was the best course of action for America to take. While no one can predict whether or not the package will work we should be concerned.

The democrats have filled the stimulus package with millions upon millions of dollars on programs that will only allow those who want a free ride to stay on the bus a little while longer. Over the last few months companies have been forced to lay off hundreds of thousands of Americans. This is tragic and no one can deny that fact. Hard working Americans are out of work and trying to make ends meet. I myself was a victim of the country wide lay offs. I was lucky to receive a severance package so I am not collecting unemployment but it has been my experience if someone wants to work they will.

With the state of the economy, job seekers must be more realistic about the opportunities available right now. Someone making $75,000 a year may not command the same salary at the next position. This is just a fact of life. The Stimulus package is not going to help these people - the package is not going to help me. It is just going to cost the Americans who actually work and pay taxes more and more out of pocket costs.

Companies who squandered away profits and decided to pay "bonuses" to executives (even though the company was losing money) have received and still are receiving billions in tax payer money. We are rewarding failure and mismanagement. Look at GM and Chrysler. We may need just a few more billion to stay afloat. What happened to capitalism - welcome to the New America and the Socialist Party we put in power.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Border Patrol Agents

Good to see that the border patrol agents are finally free. Very disappointed that the sentence was commuted and a full pardon was not issued.

Should not have been charged in the first place and should be reinstated tomorrow since their accuser was subsequently caught and charged yet again with drug smuggling.

Hello everyone

Hello name is Danny and I created this blog in order to express my conservative views to those who share my ideas and values. Unfortunately in this day and age the term "conservative" has lost its meaning and luster.

Our party has lost its will to empower true conservatives and instead are settling for "moderates". I hope to, in a small way, help the party return to our true core values. The days of Reagan are gone and he will never be replaced, but right now we have a two party system that is threatening the greatest country on the face of the earth.

The Republican and Democratic parties have been reduced to the new Liberal and Socialist parties. America needs to realize we are great for very unique reasons. Europe has embraced socialism - universal health care, special interest laws - we must learn from the mistakes of our European friends and realize our potential.

I look forward to any comments and will be posting on a daily basis.