Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Attacking the American Family

It seems that Congress is at it again. Sen. Barbara Boxer is trying to impose U.N. laws upon American citizens. Sen. Boxer is calling for the Senate and the Obama administration to review and pass the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child treaty. The passing of this treaty would greatly limit a parents ability to raise their children without government interference.

The U.N. has established a Committee on the Rights of the Child which is an 18-member panel in Geneva. The United States already has strict laws protecting children from neglect and abuse by parents. I myself do not have any children but I could not imagine American parents being governed by a committee in Geneva. The treaty would essentially allow children to make decisions for themselves that parents traditionally have had the responsibility to make for them. In my opinion children are not equipped with the knowledge or maturity level to make life altering decisions.

I have checked out the U.N. site and have the link below. It is interesting.

It seems that the United States already has most of these laws and agreements in place. Ratifying the treaty would only hurt the sovereignty of the United States. Congress needs to focus on how to fix the economy and our credit institutions. Holding hearings about steroid use in baseball and telling parents how to raise their children seem to be secondary issues. Most parents are reasonable and do the best they can to ensure their children become responsible and productive members of society. Of course mistakes are made but it is a learning process. Parents want their children to be the best they can be. They certainly do not need Congress infringing on their rights.

The treaty would also infringe on religious rights. Some religions require certain medical procedures and treatments. If this treaty is ratified it could very well require parents and medical practitioners to conform to government mandated treatments. It would also make it much easier for outside influences to undermine basic human beliefs that are instilled into children by the parents.

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