Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let the testing begin

North Korea has announced that it intends to shoot down any and all U.S. "spy" planes monitoring its missile launch site. The north has accused both the U.S. and South Korea of conducting about 190 spy missions over its territory. I have no doubt that the U.S. has been conducting these missions. I believe they are justified and must be carried out. North Korea has been rattling its sword for a while now. Negotiations have been allowed to take place over its nuclear program and that has gotten us no where. We are allowing an angry child to act out on a global stage. It is apparent that U.N. "time outs" are not going to change the North Korean mindset.

Former President Bush was criticized for his unwillingness to deal with North Korea. We attempted to deal with North Korea and now they are threatening to launch a satellite. Most believe that this is an attempt to test their long range missile capability. The North Korean leadership has been effectively starving its people for decades. What do they really have to fear from U.N. sanctions?

If North Korea develops or already has the capability for long range missile launches several of our allies are in direct danger. Japan has stated they would shoot down any missile debris that may stray into their territory. North Korea responded that they would consider that an act of war. It looks like the North is trying to muscle its way onto the political stage once again. We have to remember, if a child is given an inch then they will try to take a mile. North Korea must realize if they launch this "satellite" other countries besides the U.S. may take measures. South Korea and Japan both have the right to defend their territory and interests. A nuclear North Korea with long range missiles is not what is in the best interest of our allies or the world.

When will we realize rogue nations can not be dealt with logically? Obama wants to be the great healer, but it looks like North Korea doesn't believe it needs to be healed. A confrontation is looming ahead of us and right now diplomacy is only buying the North Koreans time.

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