Friday, March 20, 2009

Licenses for Everyone

I remember when I finally received my Texas State drivers license. I was very excited. I took the time and money and signed up for drivers education and after school for 6 weeks I went to the class. I admit, I did fail the actual driving test once. I was speeding in a school zone and broke the law. I made sure that did not happen the second time.

I wish I knew about Maryland's license laws back then. It would have saved me time and money, as well as having to face the guys after failing the drivers test the first time. It seems that you are not required to have any documentation stating that you are in the United States legally or even a resident of Maryland to receive a license. I came across an article online that outlined Maryland's drivers license policy. Maryland is one of four states that do not require applicants to prove that they are legal U.S. residents in order to get state issued driver's licenses. Maryland lawmakers are considering changing the laws because they fear some people may try to deceive the state. Imagine that. Illegal immigrants attempting to obtain a driver's license by using deception. Say it isn't so. I apologize for the sarcasm but after reading the story I could not believe this is actually transpiring.

Maryland officials have reported that 68 people have applied for Maryland licenses and all used the same address. Must be a very big house. Those in favor of issuing driver's licenses to illegal aliens believe it gives law enforcement a larger database to use when crimes are investigated. They also believe auto insurance coverage will increase. This argument is ridiculous. We are rewarding illegal aliens with licenses so they will not operate a car illegally. How does this make any sense at all. Illegal aliens are getting licenses so they will have a valid, legal form of identification. I doubt the next stop after the DMV will be the local Farmers Insurance office.

Businesses are now running ads in Spanish-language publications in several East coast states encouraging illegal aliens to take advantage of Maryland's mind boggling laws and receive legitimate identification. Maryland lawmakers must close this loop hole. Can anyone really take a Maryland I.D. card seriously? Of course Democrats will say this is discrimination - we are picking on the poor immigrants. They are here illegally, they are breaking the law everyday they remain here. We are rewarding criminals. Maryland should arrest everyone who fails to provide documentation that they are here legally on the spot. This would take care of illegals driving without licenses.

Maryland is not alone, Hawaii, New Mexico and Washington all have similar laws.

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